Prawn and Pea Risotto with Chorizo Crisps

Prawn and Pea Risotto with Chorizo Crisps

Since Mr S is not a big carb fan (unlike me who loves them), up until now I had never made Risotto at home; only enjoyed it in restaurants. However both him and Bubba literally licked their plates clean after having this for dinner so it was a definite winner and I’m sure variations of these will continue to pop up on our dining table for a long time to come. I found this a very therapeutic dish to cook, maybe because with each ladle full of stock you can see the rice becoming more and more cooked and closer to your final goal. Its also a great store cupboard/freezer meal to quickly make on those days when there is no food in the fridge to inspire you. Im a big fan of frozen prawns and we always get ours from Costco, they are really large and remain juicy once cooked. I hope you all enjoy this meal as much as we did.

Serves 4


2 tbsp. Olive oil
1 Onion finely diced
2 Garlic Cloves finely chopped
250g Risotto Rice
1 litre Chicken Stock
250g Prawns – raw
150g Frozen Peas
40g Parmesan
2 knobs of butter
Juice of 1 Lemon
10-12 Chorizo slices
Black Pepper


Risotto/Paella Pan or a shallow frying pan.


1.Place olive oil and one knob of butter into the pan to heat up

2.Add onion and garlic and cook a medium heat for 5 minutes until light brown

3.Add rice to pan and coat well in oil mixture, cook for a further 3-4 minutes until the rice becomes translucent on the edges

4.In a separate pan heat up chicken stock – I used a low salt stock cube to make this up as Bubba was eating the same but you could also just use a ready-made good quality stock from the supermarket

5.Add one ladle at a time of stock to the rice and allow it to be absorbed each time before adding the next

6.Once half way through the stock, add prawns and continue to cook with stock for around 10 minutes until rice is cooked through

7.Add peas, parmesan, remaining butter, lemon juice and a few turns of the pepper mill ( You could also add salt at this stage however I did not feel the dish needed any additional seasoning)

8.Either cook chorizo in a separate frying pan for a few minutes or under a grill until crispy


9.Enjoy a bowl full of warm risotto with a few crisps on the side and a final sprinkle of parmesan cheese on top

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