Mashed Avocado Baby Food

Mashed Avocado Baby Food
*for babies (4)6 months+

1 Ripe Avocado
Baby Formula, or Breast Milk (enough to thin out the mashed avocado)

Give an avocado a gentle roll around your counter to help separate the meat from the shell before you slice.
Slice half, peel, and de-pit ripe avocado.
Cut the avocado meat out, and mash them with a fork.
*There should be no need to use any kitchen appliance as avocados have a very soft consistency and texture. Avocados need not to be cooked.
Add-in baby formula, or breast milk to achieve your desired (thin) consistency.

Depending on your baby's age and stage, you may not need to add any liquid to the mashed avocado.
When selecting an Avocado, you want a dark green color with bumpy texture. The fruit should be firm yet yielding when gently pushed.
When an avocado is sliced in half, the flesh color should be a green that gently transforms into a buttery yellow around the pit.

How to Freeze Avocados for Baby Food:
You can freeze avocado in slices. When serving them to your baby, just take out a slice, mash it up and then serve.
Bathing the avocado slices in lemon mixture will help retard browning.
Create a bath of 1/2 cup water and 2 squeezes-drips of lemon juice. Mix well.
Then dip the avocado slices in the bath mix then set on a baking sheet that has been covered in parchment paper. Cover with plastic wrap.
Transfer the sheet to the freezer and allow to freeze. Once frozen, transfer the avocado slices to freezer bags.

Mashing without adding any liquids is also a good option in storing avocados for baby food. Many parents prefer to thin their foods before they will serve them to their babies. You can store mashed avocado using the ice cube tray. Spoon or pour them into regular ice cube trays and then cover with plastic wrap. Prior to using your ice cube trays, thoroughly cleanse them with warm soapy water and/or run them through the dishwasher on the sanitize setting.

Mashing an avocado and mixing with applesauce, peaches or pears, bananas and even yogurt make a wonderful meal or snack for babies.

Avocados have been associated with Latex allergies and sensitivities so ask your pediatrician about introducing avocados to your baby if there is a history of Latex issues.
Remember, always consult with your pediatrician regarding introducing solid foods to your baby and specifically discuss any foods that may pose allergy risks for your baby.

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