Toddler Bento Archive (1st week of August)
I've been busy for some projects including writing up a book chapter.
Meanwhile, this year's summer ended.
Feel a bit sad but at the same time, I am thrilled to have autumn dish.
- Broad Beans Rice
- Hash Potato with Powdered Nori
- Deep-fried aubergine with soy seasoning
- Sweet and Salty Omlette
- Tomato and Cucumber Salad
- Rice with Sour Plum
- Fried Chicken with soy seasoning
- Carrot Butter Saute
- Tofu with Soy Sauce and Dried Bonito
- Rice Rolls with Sour Plum and Avocado with Soy Seasoned Dried Bonito
- Spinach Butter Saute
- Hamburg Steak with Red Wine and Tomato Sauce
- Cucumber Salad
- Rice with Hake Flake with Sweet and Soy seasoning
- Asparagus, Carrot and Chicken Mayonaise Sauce
- Tomato and Cucumber Salad
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