Sikwati (Hot Cocoa) & Puto Maya (Rice Cake)

Sikwati (Hot Cocoa)

3-4 pcs of Cacao Tablets (Tablea)
4 cups Water
Milk (optional)

In a big pot, pour-in the water, and bring to a boil.
Then, put the cacao tablets in the hot boiling water.
Stir well, until the cacao tablet particles dissolved.
Add sugar to taste.
Add milk if desired.
Let it boil for 1-2 minutes, and turn off heat.
Serve immediately.

It is best paired with Puto Maya.


Puto Maya (Rice Cake)

3/4 cup Sticky Rice or Sweet Rice (Malagkit)
1/2 cup regular White Rice or Brown Rice
1/2 cup Water
1 1/3 cup Coconut Milk
1/4 cup Sugar
1 tsp of Salt
1 tsp Ginger Powder
3/4 Coconut, grated (for topping) - optional
Muscovado or Brown Sugar (for topping) - optional

Wash and rinse the two types of rice well, and combine in a saucepan.
Pour-in water, and coconut milk, stir well.
Boil over medium high heat for 20 minutes, or until the rice is soft and fully cooked; stirring once in a while.
Mold each serving in small cups, and let cool.
Once cool, unmold into a saucer.
Sprinkle muscovado and top with grated coconut, if desired before serving.

It is best paired with Sikwati (Hot Cocoa).
To serve hot, just steam for a few minutes before serving.

Got these tablea (cacao chocolate tablets) from my dear friend, Pristinne.
Fresh and pure cacao nibs; roasted and grounded by her sweet mother.^^
Thank you so much tin~!

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