Japanese Cooking Class at Ballyknocken Cookery School

Apologies for my lack of blog posts in recent weeks, I've been really busy giving Japanese cooking demonstrations at food festivals and events around Ireland. At these demonstrations, I love chatting to people and learning about how they became interested in Japanese cooking. Many people living in Ireland have connections with Japan and Japanese food either through a short visit to Japan or a relative living over there and this sparks an interest in Japanese cooking for them. 

Now, I want to share some exciting news with you! I've teamed up with Catherine Fulvio (TV chef and food writer) to give a hands-on Japanese cooking class at Ballyknocken Cookery School in Co. Wicklow on Sunday September 28th from 9:30am to 1:30pm. This 4 hour class will give you a unique insight into Japanese cooking and also time to grasp the recipes by trying them yourself during the class. 

If you're interested in hearing more about the class or booking a place please book through the link below or contact me directly (fionasjapanesecooking@gmail.com). 

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