Gluten free Brioche tart with apricots

Gluten Free Brioche tart with apricots by Appetit Voyage
Gluten Free Brioche Tart
This is an amazing gluten free mellow and fluffy pie like a brioche, with delicious apricots! I am very excited with this new recipe, I adapted from my grandma's traditional brioche tart she was used to do in summer with fresh fruits. It is gluten free, dairy free and refined sugar free. So much free that you will fly!

I chose apricots this time because it was the fruits I had at home, and you know that I love them, but you definitely can switch for any juicy fruit or even apples.
Ingredients for 4 to 6 persons:
- 100 gr. of rolled oats
- 100 gr. of almond powder
- 50 gr. of Maizena (corn startch)
-  1 baking powder packet
- 2 eggs
- 3 tbsp. of honey
- 150 gr. of almond milk
- 1 pinch of salt
- seasonal fruits like apricots, plums of apples

Turn on the oven to 160C.

1/ Gather together the oats, almonds, Maizena, baking powder and salt. Mix in a blender in order to get a thin mixed flour.

2/ Add the almond milk, eggs and honey. Mix well.

3/ Place a baking foil in a tart tin, and pour the mixture. Place on top half apricots, skin up. I did it with apricots but you can perfectly use plums, sherries or even apples. If you put apples, I would suggest to cut the apples in quarter and then half slice them again.

Gluten Free Brioche tart with apricots by Appetit Voyage
Gluten Free Brioche tart with apricots
4/ Cook for 20 minutes at 160c and finish the last 10 minutes at 180c till it gets golden on top. Let it cool before serving. 

The tart is really fluffy and mellow, with a very nutty taste, and the balance of the acidity of the apricots goes perfectly with the almonds. Delicious! It is perfect as dessert, but especially for a healthy snack!

Try it with other fruits, or mix of fresh fruits for new flavors!

Do you have a traditional recipe you would like to turn into a healthier dish? Let me know if I can help you to twist it for you! I love challenges! You can leave the recipe as a comment below or send me an email, as you prefer!

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