The story so far....

I started this blog in 2012 after adding it to my New Year's Resolution List. It wasn't long before I was completely hooked always thinking about my next post. Month by month my followers grew from my circle of family and friends to people in Ireland and all over the world. People started to contact me directly asking me about my recipes and for advice on different aspects of Japanese cooking at home.

This year, Fiona's Japanese Cooking has opened so many doors and allowed me to meet a fantastic group of friends in the Irish Food Blogging Community that I wouldn't have met otherwise. I've learned so much from them and enjoy talking about food non-stop to people who share my passion.

Earlier this year, I was invited to a Ramen Experience in Wagamama's kitchen and got a unique opportunity to make ramen with Wagamama's head chef and trainer Juan Manteca. 

I started to run Japanese cooking classes from my home which will move to the Miele Gallery in Citywest from October to accommodate bigger groups and also make it more accessible for people. 

I did my first radio interview and I'm doing a sushi demo at one of Ireland's leading food festivals "Savour Kilkenny".  

Last weekend I was so excited to see Fiona's Japanese Cooking blog short listed for the Irish Blog Awards for the best food & drink category, fingers crossed!  

There are more exciting opportunities in the pipeline for later this year and early next year which I'm looking forward to sharing with you. If next year is as eventful and exciting as this year I'll be a very happy lady. 

I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for your support, likes, follows, and pins! A special thanks to my husband - for the photos accompanied by his patience! And my son - for eating some of my creations!

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