Chicken curry and cabbage salad (dinner 10 August)


  • Chicken thigh 300g
  • Large round onion 1
  • Fennel 1/2
  • Large tomato 1.5
  • Apple 1
  • Garlic 2-3 cloves
  • Grated ginger 2 teaspoons
  • Plain yogurt 1 cup
  • Chicken stock 1/2 cube
  • Corn flour 2 tablespoons

Spice ingredients:

Ground turmeric, ground cumin, paprika, ground fennel seeds (+Cayenne pepper, ground coriander seeds) all 1 teaspoonful, and some crushed chilli
1. Slice onion, fennel and garlic thinly. Heat a large frying pan and fry the onion, fennel and garlic with 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil in medium temperature until all gets golden brown. It takes about 10-15 mins
2. cut chicken into large bote sized, season with 1 teaspoon of salt and some black pepper. Dust the chicken with corn flour
3. Put the fried onion and fennel in a pressur pan. Heat up the same pan and fry the chicken with 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil for 3-4 mins
4. Once the surface of chicken is done, add all the spice ingredients into the pan and dress chicken with them. Keep frying for 1 min
5. Add chicen into the pressur pan, 1.5 cup of water, chicken stock, grated or blended apple, and roughly cut tomatoes
6. Close the lid of the pressur pan and heat it up in medium temperature until it gets boiled. Then turn the heat into small and keep cooking for 5 mins then turn the heat off. Leave it until the lid is ready to open
7. Once it is ready, open the lid and add yogurt. Seve with rice and some chopped veggies.

Cabbage salad

Cabbage 4-5 large leaves
Carrot 1/2
Fennel 1/2
Dill 3-4 stems
Olive oil 1 tablespoon
Cider vinegar 1 tablespoon
Salt and pepper
1. Slice cabbage, carrot and fennel as thin as possible. Put them into a large bowl and add 1/2 teaspoon of salt, mix together well and leave them for 5-7 mins.

2. Add vinegar, chopped dil and black pepper then mix well for serving

Total time to prepare: 50 mins
Total cost: 4.7 pounds (3 pound for chicken, 1 pound for the rest of the veggies, 0.4 for apple, 0.3 for yogurt)

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