LJM Moving to Japan!

You've probably already noticed that recently I've slowed down with posting on Little Japan Mama, so I'd better tell you what's going on...☆

During the month of March we'll be moving to Kawasaki (next to Tokyo, Japan) so we will be very busy preparing, moving out of our home in Australia and moving to our new home in Japan.  Until then, I'm very sorry but I may or may not be posting on Little Japan Mama.  

**However, feel free to comment or ask questions, as I will continue to reply during this time**

When I get back on, I'll have lots of new information to share about the experience (renting apartments, earthquakes, mobile phones, internet etc) and I'm also looking forward to more Japanese cooking, in a place where I can get all the ingredients I want cheaply and easily!

So, from April 1, 2012, Yoroshiku!  ♪

♡ ♡ ♡  Shinobu

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