How to meke Chinese Steamed Buns without a steamer! 蒸し器を使わずに中華まんを作る方法

Are you looking for a way to cook Chinese steamed buns without a steamer?
Here you are! Welcome to my blog!

When I was in the US, I've never seen people who has a steamer in their kitchen.
I guess some Asian country use steamer, but not that much in other countries.
You can buy them on Amazon. but you don't have to.

I have tried to using a skillet last week, but it ended up turns yellow and I think it's a little bit soggy... hmm..
I added water and cover a skillet like when I cook Gyoza dumpling.
It wasn't too bad though...

So, I have tried other way. and I think it's great!! Check the below!

1. Need a bigger deeper pot. Place a dish on bottom. Add water.

2. Put a plate. Put a pot over the heat.

3. When water starts boiling, Place your buns on a plate. Cover the pot with a lid and Steam over a medium heat.
Can you see? it's Fluffy and so Soft!

Nice? You can steam anything you want!


1. なるべく大きいお鍋を用意。浅めのお皿を鍋の中に置いて、水を入れます。
2. 平たいお皿をその上におき、水に浸からないようにします。鍋を火にかけます。
3. お湯が沸騰したら、中華まんをお皿の上におき、蓋をして中火で蒸します。



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