NurturMe baby food & a giveaway!

Picnik collage

When I was first contacted about this product I immediately got on NurturMe's website 
and read all about them.
I watched the video, looked at the blog and searched the internet.

I was really, really excited.
I just crossed my fingers and hoped that it didn't taste like chalk.... or some of the other store bought foods.

When I pulled the package out of the mailbox I briefly wondered if they were sending the food separately.

These things are light as air.
Roughly the same size as a package of hot cocoa they weigh about 1/2 ounce each.

What is it?
It's dry baby food.
"The first and only certified-organic, all-natural, gluten-free baby food 
made from nutrient-rich, quick-dried fruits and vegetables."

Phew, that's-a-lot-of-hyphens.


I know that at first dry baby food sounds odd but really it shouldn't surprise us.
One of the most common first foods given to babies is rice cereal.

This is the same concept.

You simply mix these packets with breast milk, formula, water or whole milk and
voila, you have your food!

It's a traveller's dream because you don't have to lug around jars of baby food
or worry about refrigeration and other things.

Easy Peasy.

And get this... it tastes good!
B and I tried them all dry and mixed and Peanut gives them a thumbs up as well.

I have to say, and you're probably going to think I'm really weird,
 that I was really excited that all the powdered food were different textures.

Because when I buy baby food from the store I always marvel at the fact that
 it all comes out the consistency of pudding.
How is this possible?
How can cooked peas and chicken and banana and sweet potato and green beans and
beef with macaroni and vegetable risotto and mango turkey with brown rice
all be the consistency of pudding?  How?!

They are different foods, they should have different textures!

The apple.  Oh boy, have you ever had apple chips?
That's what these taste like.
I wanted to roll a dessert in them and eat it myself.
B tried to convince me to pour it on his ice cream.

Also, the packaging is recyclable and the carton is made using wind energy.
Yay for green packaging!

And cute.  The packaging is sooo cute.

Well, it is.

I'm just sayin'.

My first thought was to use it as a thickener for some of my purees.
Often times when I puree really ripe fruit (that's super juicy),
the puree turns out really thin.
Tasty but thin.

So I added the apple to my cherry peach sauce and it was perfect.
Look how thick and yummy that looks.

Oh and while we are still talking about apple, which is #1 on the dirty dozen list,
I should mention that all the fruits and veggies used, are from certified-organic U.S. farms.
All natural with nothing added.

Pure and simple.

Picnik collage

NuturMe comes in 4 different flavors:
Plump Peas, Crisp Apples, Scrumptious Squash & Hearty Sweet Potatoes

You can mix and match them.
I gave Peanut the squash and sweet potatoes and he loved it.

I mean, how much easier can it get?
It's one of those things I'll keep in my diaper bag, earthquake kit and car... just in case.

Besides, these aren't just for your infant.
On the website I saw them mix the squash into mac and cheese for a toddler.
You can't see it at all and the flavor would work perfectly.
Parent's just love sneaking extra nutrients into their kids food.

My favorite, from a recipe standpoint, has to be the peas.

It took us a while before I felt comfortable giving Peanut peas with the skins blended in.
He tends to choke and gag and things a lot.

The result was that I didn't make a lot of things with peas.
This is the answer to that problem.

You could substitute a package of the plump peas in this recipe, add a bit of water and call it a day.

These peas taste like peas.  Not like store bought grayish baby food peas.  Like real, fresh peas.

Other suggestions from NuturMe included Apple Pudding, Sweet Potato Pancakes and Froggy Pasta.

Most importantly
(you know, besides the flavor, the fact that it's environmentally friendly
it's light weight, perfect to store and has super cute packaging)
is that it's sooo good for your little.

The fruit and vegetables are drum-dried and freeze-dried
which means that they retain more nutrients and phytochemicals than their cooked counterparts.
Especially the over-cooked veggies and fruits you buy at the grocery store.

The only draw-back is that their aren't more flavors!
I have a feeling that will be changing as they gain more momentum.
I hear banana has just come out.

You can find them on websites like
Amazon, Babies R Us, Target,, and in some Whole Foods stores.
And actually starting today they will be available in Babies R Us stores nationwide.


So because you are awesome and this product is awesome...
and I feel you should be united in your awesome-ness...
and because every parent needs to have an easy, healthy product like this at their disposal...

I'm giving away one New Feeding Gift Pack which includes 2 of each flavor and the NurturMe spoon.

To enter this giveaway just leave a comment.

Giveaway closes Sunday 8/14 at midnight and the winner will be randomly chosen 
and announced next Monday.

For additional entries you can: 
1. Facebook, tweet or blog this giveaway and leave me a link
2. Like them on Facebook and leave me a comment (and get a coupon on their page)
3. Follow them on Twitter and leave me a comment

Good Luck!

~NurturMe did provide me with the product for this post but the opinions and photographs (with the exception of the last) are mine.  I would not post about a product I do not support.

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