remember the days in intermediate school when we used to use acronyms like this? here's a refresher: it means "too much to mention." and that's how i feel right now. i've been away from this blog for SO long that there is just too much to share of what's been going on. plus, with my mommy brain still intact (i'm starting to think it's a permanent state of being), i'm not sure if i can even recall all the things i'd like to share. but here it goes...


aikahi park

family reunion


i love sand!

discovery center

leila's 1st birthday
- i have been sick since the beginning of march and after two rounds of antibiotics, am FINALLY better. i coughed so much that i bruised my rib or pulled a muscle or something and had to pop ibprofen pills for a week. it hurt to lift my arm which made carrying camden loads of fun. please, viral gods, let that be my last illness of 2011!!
- we had brian's oishi family reunion in mid-april. his cali family flew in for a few days and we had jam-packed schedule of outings, dinners and all around fun with his cousins and their kids. it's great seeing cam play with his 2nd cousins! especially since he won't have many. :(
- i started working part-time after months of searching for the perfect gig. this mommy/work balance ain't easy, let me tell ya. thankfully, i found a 20-hour a week contract gig so i can work from home, avoid the crazy hawaii traffic and still be around for camden. he goes to my mom's on MWF and then i'm with him TTh. so far, it's been working out well!
- camden, of course, is cuter every day!! the "word explosion" has yet to hit, but he's trying. his new ones include: store, egg (ga-ga) and emi (na-na, don't ask me why). but for some reason, he no longer says "up." he just says "uh" instead. it's like the word has fallen out of his head. i'm trying not to worry about it. :/
- his newest feat is that he's learned how to climb up onto the couch all by himself! luckily, he hasn't tried escaping his crib...YET.
- cam's very into giving kisses these days. it's adorable!! he says "muah" every time he does it and periodically throughout the day will come up to me and give me muahs on my cheek, my leg, my hand, my back. i. love. it.
- easter's coming up and we have a big family easter dinner on brian's side. somehow being a mom has inspired me to try and be crafty against my better judgment. i'm not really the crafty kind. drawing, art...i like that better because it doesn't have to be so precise. but crafts? if it looks messy, it sucks. i'm giving it a shot tho. so, B's family will get crafty-ish little easter gifts with glue running down the sides.
aikahi park
family reunion
i love sand!
discovery center
leila's 1st birthday
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