Finger Cots: A Must in Every Kitchen

Over the weekend, my knife and I got into a fight.  Needless to say, I did not win.  Even further to my knife's advantage - I had just gotten him professionally sharpened.   This is a cooking blog, so I'll spare you all the gory details, but it was incredibly painful and not a fun experience.

Unfortunately the finger duel with my knife happened while preparing dinner for my church small group, so injuries couldn't stop me from cooking.  I also was on an extremely limited time schedule as I had to squeeze in some teaching while getting the dinner together.  A bandage and a paper towel, wrapped tightly around does not an effective tourniquet make.  I had to stop doing what I was doing, get some first aid and after that - suffer through pain each time water or something salty or acidic wiggled its way through my multi-layers of bandaids and got into the wound.

But I was reminded of something my mom had told me to get a while back - she called them finger condoms, which is the name I used several times in my effort to buy them online.  Turns out, although that is exactly what they look like (a rubber covering to go over your finger), that is not the proper name.  I combed more than a few drugstores in an effort to find them, and discovered them finally under the name of finger cots.  They are a GREAT use in the kitchen, especially after you get a cut, as it will protect your finger as you work.  Put a bandaid on, put on a finger cot and you're almost as good as new.

On a final note, after you are done in the kitchen, make sure to let your wound breathe.  You want to keep it as dry as possible, so while cooking protect it with the finger cot, but afterward, let it breathe. 

This buys you WAY more than you need, but perhaps you could buy a set and then pass them out to all your friends who cook.

The knife that hurt me...but I still love it!

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