Omelette with special fillings


For Omellete
1 egg (whisk)
a little bit of butter for frying the egg

For Filling
1 mushroom (chopped up)
2 tablespoons of minced chicken
1 tablespoon of chopped carrots
1 tablespoon of mixed frozen vegetables

1 tablespoon of chopped garlic
Soy sauce and pepper to taste (optional)
1/2 tablespoon of olive oil

(1) Fry the omelette as per normal.
(2) Heat the olive oil and sauteed the garlic till fragrant.

(3) Add the minced chicken and stir well.

(4) Add the rest of the ingredients and stir till chicken is cooked. Add soy sauce and pepper if using.

(5) Place the cooked filling on the omelette and roll the omellette and cut into half. Serve on its own or with rice.

23 months

Here hows the food looks like:

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