Rachael Ray and the Doughnuts of Mass Destruction

As you know, I rarely, if ever, go off topic on this blog. This is especially true when it comes to "real" issues like politics, religion, American Idol, etc. But, this week's controversy regarding Rachael Ray and her "terrorist" scarf has sent me over the edge.

Chances are you've already seen this all over the news, but if not, the clip below will give you the gist of it (chosen from FOX News so you know it will be objective!). I've stated before on this blog, I'm not a huge fan of her shows, but I am a staunch Rachael Ray supporter. Regardless of what you think of her bubbly personality, or easy-to-mock delivery, she is inspiring lots of people to cook at home, which is all that matters in my book.

Regarding this amazingly ridiculous scarf issue; anyone that seriously thinks her scarf was some sort of subtle symbol of support for Islamic terrorists, and that the ad must be pulled to avoid "sending the wrong message," is a complete moron. Even worse than these sad, paranoid, misguided, faux-patriots who sent out emails calling for a boycott, are the brain-dead idiots that actually followed their instructions. Talk about being dumber than a doughnut.


On a Lighter Note: Rachael Ray Enjoying Free Food - Mmm, Mmm, Mmm

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