Day 1 of Scrambled Eggs

Only introduce white egg when your baby has turn 1 year of age not earlier. Today, I am introducing the whole egg to my boy. I decided to do a scrambled egg for him. I add some butter into a frying pan and fry the egg that I have whisk earlier. When it is about to cook scramble the egg into very small pieces. I then add some of the scrambled egg into my boy's porridge. So today he had a porridge with scrambled egg toppings.

Schedule for Today:
Morning (8 am to 9 am): Breastmilk
Noon (11 am to 12pm): Lunch, continue with breastmilk as and when needed
Early Afternoon (2pm to 3pm): Some fruit puree/snack & breastmilk as and when needed
Late Afternoon (5pm to 6pm): Dinner & breastmilk as and when needed
Night (after 6pm): Breastmilk

Allergy Reaction:
No allergy was observed

Texture of Food:
Same as previous

Amount of Food:
1/2 teaspoon of butter + 1 egg (whisk before frying). For the toppings just take about 1 tablespoon of the scrambled egg to be added onto the porridge that has been cooked.

Baby reaction:
He seems alright with his scrambled egg toppings porridge

12 months

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