Sweet Potato Fries

Sweet Potato Fries

I have tried to make healthy baked sweet potato fries so many times but they just never come out right, either they go to crunchy with nothing left in the middle or they are just soggy. So I pulled out the oil and decided to be naughty and make a fried version. This is probably only the second time I have ever fried anything so it is really not difficult if I can do anyone can. Also proves the only way to get delicious sweet potato fries that taste the same as our favourite steak house Miller and Carter is to deep fry them. Great for the taste, not so great for the waist. We enjoyed these fries with pulled pork burgers and a homemade carrot salad.

Serves 4


3 large Sweet Potatoes - sliced into even ½ inch chips
2 tbsp. Cornflour
2 tsp Garlic Salt
1 tsp freshly ground Black Pepper
Sea Salt flakes


Saucepans x2


1.Par boil sweet potatoes for around 5-7 minutes until it starts to soften

2.Combine cornflour, garlic salt and black pepper

3.Toss batches of sweet potatoes in this

4.Pre heat oil in a wide saucepan – I did not have a thermometer to test the temperature so just used a bit of potato to ensure it was sizzling hot when I added the fries

5.Fry sweet potatoes in small batches of around 15 fries or so at a time to avoid over-crowding and ensure the crispy outside for around 3-4 minutes

6.Drain on kitchen paper and top with sea salt ( apart from Bubbas)

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