Maechurial JangJorim 메추리얼 장조림 (Quail Egg Side Dish)

Maechurial JangJorim 메추리알 장조림 (Quail Egg Side Dish)

25 pcs Quail Eggs, hard-boiled, and peeled
1/2 tsp Garlic, minced
1 cup Kelp Broth
2 1/2 tbsp Soy Sauce
1/2 tbsp Cooking Wine (Matsul)
1/2 tbsp Brown Sugar

In a medium pot, pour-in the kelp broth and add-in the soy sauce, cooking wine, brown sugar, and garlic; add-in the quail eggs into the mixture and boil for 8 minutes on medium high. Then reduce it to medium low, cook for additional 5 minutes. Turn off heat, set aside to cool down.

Transfer into an airtight glass container; cover and refrigerate before serving. Serve chilled, and Enjoy!!

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