Pão de Queijo (Brazilian Cheese Bread)

Pão de Queijo (Brazilian Cheese Bread)

1 medium Egg
2/3 cup Milk
1/3 Canola OIl
125g block Cheese, grated
1 1/4 Tapioca Flour
2 pinches Salt

MIni Muffin Tin
Mixer or Blender

Preheat the oven to 200°C.

In a blender or mixer, add-in the egg, milk, canola oil, grated cheese.
Mix for a few seconds to combine.
Then gradually add-in the tapioca flour, and pulse for a few seconds
after every addition; pulse until smooth.

Pour the batter evenly into the mini muffin tin, and bake in the preheated oven for 15~20 minutes until the batter has puffed up and are slightly brown on top. Leave them to cool.
Happy Eating!!

If you have some left over batter, just store them in an airtight glass container, and keep in the fridge. They will last up to a week.
You may also add spices and herbs into your batter mix.
You may also top them with grated parmesan cheese before baking.
You can also fill your baked bread with jam or dulce de leche.

I used this Tapioca Flour...

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