Vegetarian Nabe Sauce Vol. 1 by Vegetable Gohan

Vegetarian, Vegan, Dairy-Free,  Gluten-Free, Grain-Free

Have you tried Japanese Nabe (Cooking pot)
This reminds me my parents house so much.
We used to eat Nabe almost every weekend during cold season!
Here is the easy delicious Nabe and Nabe sauce recipe!

What is NABE?

Nabe means "cooking pot" in Japanese.
Nabe, the dish, is a cooking pot of boiled veggies in water
that everyone sares and is great for winter get-together!

I used Chinese Cabbage(Hakusai=白菜), Carrots(人参),
Komatsuna(小松菜), Tofu(豆腐)Sprout(もやし), Shiitake(椎茸).
Also try Spinach, Shungiku(garland), Chives, Daikon, Cabbage in your nabe.
These are good too!

Here is the video↓

Nabe Sause Recipe  <serves2>


4Tbs Sesame Seed Paste

1Tbs Rice Vinegar

1Tbs Soy Sauce

1Tbs Unrefined Sugar

1Tbs Dashi or Broth or Water


1. Add the all ingredients in a bowl and mix well.

2.Place in your bowl and dip with veggies!


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