The Beginning

Hi, my name is Rupreet and in my ideal world I would love to spend all my time cooking and eating delicious food.

 Unfortunately though, in the real world like most of you, I have to spend my day juggling the demands of life including commuting on public transport, a demanding job, managing a home and trying to get a tasty healthy dinner on the table by a decent hour.

 always loved cookbooks and cooking shows because of my love for food and I think subconsciously all of this must have been going into my head.

 only really gotten into the cooking side over the past year since me and my husband (Mr S) moved into our new house and I got a brand new kitchen to play in.  Mr S is not only chief food taster but also my biggest critic and fan( probably because I feed him every day and he also likes food), so all recipes on here have passed the Mr S test.

 Friends and family were quite shocked that most of the dishes coming out of my kitchen were very tasty especially for first attempts. I was more shocked and knew I was doing something right when I started getting asked how I’d made that.

 Wanting to replicate the recipes I read about in my ever growing cookbook collection and also watch on the many TV shows I record, is the main reasons behind me getting in the kitchen. Other inspiration for my food comes from being inventive to finish up whatever is in the fridge, along with trying to replicate food 
I've eaten in restaurants or on holiday and also the food I've grown up eating – which I'm sure my mum will take all the credit for.  

 The idea behind this blog is to provide easy to follow recipes along with the some inspiration to answer that daily question of what ‘shall I cook tonight’ and some pretty pictures to make you hungry while reading. 

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