Crispy Seafood Spring Rolls

The crunchy texture of lettuce makes the rich seafood stuffing flesh. 
This is crispy, tasty and a perfect nibble!!

Ingredients (around 15+ large pieces of spring roll)

<For stuffing>

  • Raw shrimps and scallops* 4-5 pieces each (chopped into 1.5cm) 
  • Fresh crab meat  30g (drain the water) 
  • Bamboo shoots           30g (shredded)
  • Shiitake mushrooms or any kinds of mushrooms           4-5 pieces (shredded)   
  • Lettuce leaves 4-5 (shredded) 
  • Carrot 4-5 cm (shredded) 
  • Spring onion 2 bunches (shredded) 
  • Chinese chive  (if available) 6-7 stems (cut into 4-5 cm) 
  • Rice noodles (soaked in a boiled water for 5 mins and drained and cut into 4-5cm)                    50g
  • ginger 1tablespoon (grated)
*Instead for shrimps, scallops and crab meat, frozen seafood mix can be replaced.

<For seasoning>

  • Chicken stock if powdered 1/2 tablespoon, or 1/2 cube
  • Soy sauce             1.5 tablespoons
  • Oyster sauce                        1 tablespoon           
  • Sesame oil                        1 table spoon
  • Sugar                                    1/2 tablespoon
  • Salt                                    1/2 teaspoon
  • Fish sauce                         1/2 teaspoon
  • Chinese rice wine (if available)          1 tablespoon
  • Cornflour                        1.5 tablespoons
  • Water                   200cc
*Mix all the seasoning ingredients in a bowl

Spring roll pastry sheet  15+ sheets
Vegetable oil  
Cornflour and water for sealing the roll 

All are shredded or sliced into 4-5 cm length

Grate ginger over the shrimp and the scallop pieces

Soak the noodle in boiled water and drain


1. Heat a large frying pan over medium temperature. Add 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil and stir-fry all the vegetable ingredients except Chinese chives. When they are half done, add the shrimp and the scallop pieces.

2. Add Chinese chives, crab meat and rice noodles then add the seasoning mix. Stir-fry well until the flour became translucent and starched.

3. Spread the stuffing over a tray and let it cool down. This process prevent the spring rolls explode while they are deepfried.

4. Place 1.5 tablespoons of stuffing in a corner of a spring roll pastry sheet. Envelope it and then seal the end with cornflour dissolved in water.

5. Heat up vegetable oil filled in a large frying pan over medium temperature and deepfry the spring rolls.   

6. Once they are done, set aside on kitchen papers to remove extra oil.

 7. Extra spring rolls can be stored in freezer.

(Menu: Spring rolls, deepfried aubergine, tofu with sesame oil and salt, rice and miso soup)

Total cost (except rice): 5.7pounds

4 (Shrimp, scallops)1.34 (1/2 crab meat can), 1 (pastry sheet),  1.5 (all other ingredients of spring rolls):7.84 x 5pieces/15 pieces=2.61, 1 (aubergine), 1.6 (1/2 tofu), 0.5 (miso soup ingredients: peas and shimeji mushrooms)

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