Tonjiru is a tasty Japanese stew using pork, vegetables,  and miso paste. Traditionally pork is used however you could use chicken instead.

Serves 4
1 litre of homemade dashi stock or 1 litre of water and 1 tbsp of instant dashi granules
1 tbsp vegetable oil 
200g pork shoulder (thinly sliced) or pork belly
2 tbsp sake (Japanese rice wine) - optional
300g  daikon (peeled and cut into bite size cubes)
100g carrots (peeled and cut into bite size cubes)
100g potato (peeled and cut into bite size cubes)
3-4 tbsp miso paste 
Scallions/ Spring onion (finely chopped to garnish)
Nanami togarashi (optional to taste)
Chilli oil (optional to taste)

  1. If you're using homemade dashi then click here to see how to make homemade dashi. You'll need to make a start on this first.
  2. If you're using dashi granules then you'll need 1 litre of cold water and 1 tbsp of dashi granules. Set aside until point 5.
  3. Heat the vegetable oil in a large heavy based saucepan and fry the pork slices until browned on both sides.
  4. Pour the sake over the meat and then add daikon, carrots and potatoes to the pork. Stir and continue to fry for a few minutes.
  5. Pour the homemade dashi stock or 1 litre of cold water and 1 tbsp of dashi granules into the saucepan with the meat and vegetables until the vegetables are cooked (15-20 minutes).
  6. When the water starts to boil skim the scum off the surface of the water.
  7. When the vegetables are cooked lower the heat allowing the dashi to simmer only. 
  8. Dilute the miso paste in a cup of dashi water taken from the saucepan. Then, add to the saucepan and mix all the ingredients. Do not allow to boil once the miso is added. 
  9. Serve in a bowl sprinkled with nanami togarashi and a few drops of chilli oil. 
  10. Garnish with spring onion. 

Click here to see my post on daikon and it's health benefits.


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