Corn Muffin, Tea&Coffee from H.R. Higgins in Mayfair

I tried a Corn Muffin Recipe introduced by a cool food blogger
The recipe can be found:

In addition to the ingredients of original recipe, as a fan of corn, I added 1/2 cup of sweet corn in the dough.
 As a trial, I blended the sweet corn roughly with butter milk. 
 As I run out of "all purpose flour", I mixed plain flour and self raising flour. 
I shall try it only with self raising flour next time since the muffin became bit too light and spongy.

I topped a teaspoon of cornmeal on each dough.

The biggest mistake I made this time was, I put the muffin mold in a wrong layer (the top) in the oven. 
As a result, the surface was baked too quickly and didn't give the space for the rest of dough to raise. Therefore, it came out from the side!! 

Despite the funny shape, we enjoyed this muffin a lot!! 
The sweet flavour of corn, the hint of cornmeal, and the warm yellow colour, all were wonderful! 
It was sooo yummy!!
Thank you so much for introducing this recipe!
I certainly try it again soon!!

With the muffin, I served Ceylon tea from our cool tea&coffee shop, H.R. Higgins that I mentioned many times in this blog.

H.R. Higgins shop locates in Duke Street in Mayfair that has been the centre of luxury and traditional shopping area in London for centuries.

Given the chance to supply some coffee and tea to our table, I visited H.R. Higgins and took some photos there.  As I am one of their old customers, shop attendants were bit surprised of that I behaved like a typical Japanese tourist (taking photos). 

The emblem appeared in the top of coffee beans shelf says 
"By Appointment To Her Majesty The Queen Elizabeth II". 
This means the Queen Elizabeth II shops coffee here. 

Using a retro scale, they sell coffee beans or grounded coffee by measure. 

We usually get 500g beans of  "Honduras Pacamara from Santa Marta". 

 This is a tea section near the entrance. 

In the basement, we can have tea and coffee from the shop with some sweets. 

Of course, you can order their products by online. 
However, should you have a chance to visit London, don't miss this cute shop to drop in. 
It is cosy, tasty, friendly and traditional. 

Time to prepare muffin: 1 hour
Total cost of 10 muffins: 2.4 pounds (0.9 for Butter milk, 1.5 for the rest of ingredients)

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