Chick nugget, cold miso-sesame soup, marinated deepfried salmon 
Chick nugget is a project to entre "Chicken Recipes Contest" in a DIY site, Instractables
As I spend so much time photographing my Chick Nuget, when Mr. Husband returned, no other things were prepared!!
Rushed to cook everything!!

Marinated deepfried salmon

First seasoned salmon cut into pieces with soy sauce, mirin, grated garlic. Dust with corn flour and deepfried. Slice paprika and round sweet onion into thin and add 1.5 tablespoons of sugar and cider vinegar as well as 1 teaspoon of sesame oil. Marinate salmon with it.

Cold miso-sesame soup "Hiyajiru"

Dissolve miso, soysauce and sesame paste (1 teaspoon each) in 1.5 cups of Dashi (Japanese soup stock) in a bowl. Slice cucumber and spring onion and add into the soup, chill it in the fridge. (instead, I put it into freezer to minimize the time)

The Chick Nugget

1. Put 200g chicken breast fillet, 1 clove of garlic, 1/4 round onion, 1/4 teaspoon of salt, paprika powder into a food processor. Blend them for 40 seconds
2. Grease hands with vegetable oil and put a large bite size portion of chicken-mix on the palm and roll it up. Then place it on a tray with baking sheet. Roughly make chicken and chick shape with fingers. When all pieces are done, put the tray into the fridge to chill pieces for 7-10 mins
3. Take the tray out from the fridge, grease a knife with vegetable oil and shape the pieces in detail
4. Heat a large frying pan at medium heat, dust the surface of all pieces with cornflour. Place them into the pan carefully on the dusted side. Dust the other side facing up with corn flour. Cook them for 3-4 mins. 
5. Turn over all pieces to the other side, then cover the pan with a lid. Cook them for 1 min then turn the heat off. Leave the pan closed for 4-5 mins
6. Decorate chicken pieces. Fill combs with ketchup, beaks with mustard, egg shells with mayonnaise
7. Cut 5 pieces of nori (seaweed black paper) into 5mm square. Pile all and cut them into round shape for eyes. Also, cut nori into thin stripes for eyelashes of the hen and crying eye of the baby-chick
8. Cut toothpicks into half length. Stick it on the botton of each piece.

Fried potato for the lawn

1. Cut potatoes into thin stripe
2. Heat up a small frying pan, spread vegetable oil and load the pieces of potato. Close the pan with a lid and cook it for 10-15 mins at small heat 

3. Turn the potato over to the other side. Cook it for another 7-8 mins without covering 
4. Place the potato on a dish, dust it with powdered seaweed and pinch of salt

Get them together!!

Total time to prepare: 50 mins (+1h for photographing)
Total cost: 4.4 pounds (1.5 for chicken breast, 0.7 for potatoes, 1.2 for salmon, 1 for the rest of veggies)

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