Pablo's menu this week

So happy this has become my little Sunday night tradition, posting Pablo's menus and adding a little something to make it more interesting...  This week is a bit atypical, as we are taking Pablo camping in the Sequoia National Forest for the first time next weekend! I love cooking (and eating) in the great outdoors, so you will see what I'm planning on cooking while camping, we'll see how we do. I will post all about it the following week for sure.

Now, for the culinary highlight of the week: I found gorgeous porcini mushrooms from Oregon at the market! This was absolutely unreasonable price-wise, but I just couldn't resist the opportunity for a real treat for us, and for Pablo to get a taste of a true delicacy. I have to say, I am quite finicky when it comes to mushrooms. "Regular" mushrooms leave me somewhat cold. They're just not that flavorful or interesting, unless very well prepared. The only mushrooms I really love are those apparently costing 40$ a pound or more, such as porcini, fresh morels, and truffle (only fresh and only in season). So after having that inner conversation with myself while staring at the porcinis, I convinced myself to buy 1/3 lb for a special treat... The best dishes are so often the simplest. They were so fresh and clean, we only brushed them a little, let them sweat at low temp in the pan for a few minutes, then pan-fried them with butter, Italian parsley and just a little garlic. Pablo had a few slices and to my great delight, loved it! Such a treat.

Before moving on to the menu, I wanted to say these menus are a lot simpler than they seem to look. I do not spend my days laboring in the kitchen for Pablo's meals. I make individual portions batches which I freeze, so it's easy to just reheat at meal times. Finger foods are quick to cut up, or steam. The challenge is more in finding new ideas and variety, and I have been VERY excited and inspired to discover the many wonderful blogs out there full of great recipes. I have started a recipe to-do list, and will be trying (or adapting) recipes I found, for Pablo each week (see a couple this week). I always welcome ideas and feedback, so feel free :-)

Cheeses of the week: Following French tradition, I always offer a little bit of cheese at the end of every meal, between the main course and dessert. This week's rotation will include a new aged sharp cheddar from New Zealand we haven't tried before; Petit Basque (sheep's milk cheese), Goat Gouda and Goat Brie.

Desserts: At lunch, I offer a fruit yogurt (or plain yogurt with fresh fruit), but at night, I prefer sticking to plain yogurt (regular whole milk plain, sheep’s milk, and Greek yogurt for extra protein) to avoid too much sugar before bedtime.



Appetizer / Finger Foods: Cauliflower florets & tomato salad
Main course: Chicken & sweet potato puree

Goûter (4pm snack) - Plum-pear compote with mashed banana

Appetizer / Finger Foods: Green beans and potato salad with Italian parsley
Main course: Tofu with pan-fried Japanese & graffiti eggplant



Appetizer / Finger Foods: Avocado, hearts of palm
Main course: Pork & eggplant puree

Goûter -  Attempting the watermelon-fig granita from the gorgeous blog Fig & Fauna.
It looked so amazing, summery and easy, I have to try it.


Appetizer / Finger Foods: Cold vegetable noodles and green tomato salad
Main course: Sardines, garlic green beans puree



Appetizer / Finger Foods: Broccoli florets, endive salad
Main course: Turkey & yellow zucchini puree

Goûter - Raw peach & mint compote


Appetizer / Finger Foods: White asparagus tips in yogurt sauce
Main course: Planning on adapting the Carrot Risotto recipe found on the wonderful Food loves writing.



Appetizer / Finger Foods: Beets & goat cheese salad
Main course: Duck, white beans and tomato puree

Goûter - Cantaloupe


Appetizer / Finger Foods: Green beans & cauliflower salad
Main course: Soft-boiled egg, brussels sprouts puree

FRIDAY/SATURDAY/SUNDAY : Camping, cooking and eating in the great outdoors!

I will be making Bannock Bread over the campfire, very excited about that! Will be great for French Toast with plum-pear sauce for breakfast.

For lunches: planning on making the Tomato Jam found on Food loves writing, for open-faced sandwiches the French call "tartines". Hams, hard-boiled eggs, avocados, tomatoes, peaches, apricots, cherries, cantaloupes...

For dinners: Marinated grilled vegetables on the campfire, marinated chicken, corn on the cob, baked potatoes. I love my American classics too! Looking forward to posting all about it...

What do you like to cook when camping?

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