Egg Mold Star and Heart
The star egg mold usually comes out looking like a flower, which is really cute, since the middle is yellow and the "petals" are white!
Stand the peeled egg pointy end up, round end down, into the egg mold. Very gently press the lid on top, and close the latches. Refrigerate for at least 5 min before opening. When it's time to serve (or put into the bento box) remove the lid and slice while still in the mold. (English Instructions on Packaging.)
I used one egg and kept one in the refrigerator until the next morning, so I made two days' bento eggs in one go.
Make sure you use 60g eggs (Australia: XL, Japan: L, please let me know what they call them in your country!)
Sorry... LJM Bento Shop is closed as I am living in Australia now.
These photographs are seriously the first time I tried using them!
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