Asupara to daikon no misoshiru / miso soup with asparagus and daikon radish

Soft daikon radish cubes paired with crispy asparagus; a lovely contrast in texture.


5-6 cm daikon radish
2-3 asparagus
300 cc dashi
1 tbsp miso


Cut off the four outer edges of daikon to obtain a square pillar (save cut edges for another use). Cut into 8 cubes.

Thinly slice hard section toward root end of asparagus (and yes, save slices for another use); cut into 2-3 cm pieces.


In a pot, put dashi and daikon, and cook on medium low to low heat with cover until soft.


Add asparagus, cook for 1-2 minutes.

Remove from heat, and add miso.

  • Cook long enough to get very soft daikon, which will provide a clear contrast with still-crisp asparagus. Asparagus can be cooked until soft too, but having the different textures in the same bowl is just plain fun.
  • Use fresh daikon. Daikon gets spongy when old, and old daikon would not be juicy when cooked as in this recipe.
  • Daikon takes some time to become soft, especially when cut into cubes. If in a hurry, cut cubes thinner.
  • Saved daikon and asparagus pieces can be used for stir fry, fried rice, soup or many other dishes. 
  • Pieces saved with this recipe were turned into a quick miso soup the following day. Half a carrot sliced in a size matching daikon was added for flavor, texture (firmer than daikon when cooked simultaneously), color and extra nutrition.

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