Strawberry, Pineapple Applesauce



This came together as a result of leftover fruit from Easter
and because Peanut loves just about any kind of applesauce you can think of.

My mom and I liked this warm and since making it, I've used it for a number of things.

Make sure to taste all your fruit and adjust according to the sweetness.  
My pineapple was super sweet and strawberries a bit tart still.

Picnik collage

Strawberry, Pineapple Applesauce
4 apples, peeled, cored and cut into chunks (about 2 cups)
1 cup pineapple chunks
1 cup strawberries, stems removed, cut into chunks

Place the apples in a medium saucepan with 1 tablespoon of water and let it simmer, covered, stirring occasionally for about 4 minutes.
Add your pineapple and strawberries, replace cover and heat for another couple minutes.
You just want to make sure everything is nice and tender so it purees smoothly.

If you like you can skip the cooking completely and just puree.
The texture will just be a bit different.

Serve and enjoy!


-Add mint or even basil 
-Use less apples and more pineapple
-Substitute other berries like blackberries or blueberries

Refrigerate for 3 days or freeze for up to 3 months.

Apples have lots of fiber, vitamin C, beta-carotene, riboflavin, thiamin, potassium and magnesium.

Strawberries are known for their anti-carcinogenic properties (good for you, bad for cancer) as well as fiber, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium and vitamin C.

Pineapple aids in digestion because of the enzymes it contains (which is also said to help with inflammation and bruising).  It's packed with manganese (used for healthy skin, bones and cartilage), vitamin C and potassium.

*In the past, strawberries were on the "don't eat until after a year" list because of the possibility of allergy. Since then the American Academy of Pediatrics has revised their suggestion to wait.  

In this article they basically say that there isn't any proof that waiting will lessen your child's chance of allergic reactions. 

Peanut had strawberry in a puree at 7 months but again, that was a completely personal choice as neither B or I have any food allergies.

I stuck this in the toddler food (12 months+) because of the high acidity in pineapple.

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