Espresso Meringues

I volunteered to bake some sweet treats for our school's Ladies Night this weekend and really wanted to try something new. I happened to have a bag of meyer lemons AND had a request for lemon bars so those were definitely on the table. Those lemon bars are so good it's a shame to not make them and I want to make sure that at least one dessert is going to be guaranteed to be delicious. I have a reputation to uphold over here. That said, my lemons were small so I threw TWO into the food processor instead of one and it was just a bit too much - they had a really mild, bitter aftertaste that wasn't strong enough to make me not want to eat them, just enough to prevent them from being fabulous. Learn by mistake and even if you think your lemon is tiny, just use one.

For a second treat, I was thinking of something chocolately to balance out the sweet, tarty lemon bars but then I saw these Espresso Meringues and pinned them and couldn't stop thinking about them. I love meringues and they are good thing to make for a bunch of chicks who are always watching what they eat - they are fat free and low calorie but still sweet and you don't feel like you are eating something diety. The espresso flavour elevates them to a very grown up taste, another plus for a group of moms who are out to have some wine and snacks and enjoy not being moms for the evening. Trust me, we all eat enough rice crispy treats and brownies to last us a lifetime at all kid centred events and I think we deserve some stuff that most of the kids wouldn't like even if they were there.

Take that you stinking kids!

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