Sweet Carrots

This is one of those super easy recipes that seems almost silly to blog
but it makes a great snack, finger food and puree.

It's basically apple-glazed carrots but I felt that the word glaze makes them sound
sticky, as if there was a, well glaze, which there really isn't.
The liquid in this is thinner, without any extra sugar.

I make a batch, stick it in my refrigerator and use it during the week.

It's good cold or warm and Peanut likes to pick them up himself to munch on.
We both end up snacking on these during the day.

Sweet Carrots

1 lb carrots, peeled and sliced into 1/2 inch coins
1 1/2 cups apple juice
1 1/2 cups water

Put them all in a medium pot or saucepan, bring to a boil, reduce to simmer and cook until tender.

In hindsight I would have liked to add a pat of butter as it helps baby's body absorb the beta-carotene...
and it tastes so darn good.

In that case, you could just melt 1 tablespoon of unsalted butter in the saucepan 
before adding your liquids.

-Spiced sweet carrots: add 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon or pumpkin pie spice 
or any mix of spices like nutmeg or clove
-Gingered sweet carrot:  add a peeled and crushed piece of fresh ginger into the liquid
then discard afar cooking
-Puree:  puree to desired consistency add juice if needed
-Real apple glazed carrots: Saute your carrots in 1 tbs butter, Omit the water, use 1 cup apple juice, add 1 teaspoon honey (or 1 tbs brown sugar) to liquid and cook as directed.
-Add apples to the mix at the end of the cooking process

Refrigerate for up to a 5 days

Carrots are packed with different kinds of carotenoids which work as antioxidants, convert to vitamin A,
boost the immune system and protect and enhance your eyes.

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