☆Congratulations to the five winners of the Like to Win Japan Giveaway


♡Thank-you to everyone who has now "like"d or "Join(ed) this site"!♡

Actual Prizes Chosen by the Five Winners

I enjoyed the reactions when I contacted the winners.  Here are a few:

"Yay so excited!!" 

"Hooray!! I never win anything!"  

"i feel so lucky.. i didn't expect to win (but i secretly prayed that i will lol) anyway that is so sweet of you.."

Congratulations to:  

Pin W from Australia, Alana R from Australia, Michelle K from the United States, 

Julia L from Australia and Irene H from Australia, 

who will be receiving their prize packs in the next few weeks.  

Sorry if you missed out this time, I hope you win next time, as we plan to have more of these in the future!  In the meantime, please tell your friends about littlejapanmama.com♡

☆It's easy to share something you like here on your facebook wall or in a private message by clicking the "f" facebook symbol at the bottom of each post!☆

littlejapanmama.com "Like" to Win Japan Giveaway was drawn using all the Facebook "Like" entries and Google "Followers" at 10pm 5th October 2011, which totaled 50 entries.  The draw was conducted by numbering the list of entries and using the www.random.org True Random Number Generator.  The five winners have all replied to their notifications so this draw is now closed.


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