お抹茶のクレームブリュレ Green Tea MATCHA Creme Brulee
I made Green tea MATCHA creme brulee today.
It has only simple ingredients, but soooooo good!
This is great surprise to me!!!
It will be your favorite home made dessert. Try it out☆
Green Tea Creme Brulee (6 serving) **1 cup=240ml
2 tsp Green Tea MATCHA powder
1 tbsp Hot water
200ml (1/2 cup and 1/3 cup) Heavy cream
125ml (1/2 cup) Unsweetened Soy milk, or Milk
3 tbsp granulated sugar
3 yolks
(for caramelize)
6 tbsp granulated sugar
1. Preheat oven to 300F. Prepare boil water for water bath.
2. Add Hot water slowly to Matcha Green Tea powder. Mix well.
3. Pour heavy cream and soy milk in a milk pan, and stir over low heat until it almost comes boil. Remove from the heat, set aside.
4. In a bowl, Whisk together Egg yolks until it starts to thick, Add Green Tea mixture. and mix.
5. Add Heavy cream mixture gradually into the egg yolk mixture. stirring continually and gently.
6. Strain the mixture through a strainer, pour into 6 small ramekins. Bake in a water bath for 20 minutes.
7. Remove from the oven, and cool to room temperature. Refrigerate for 2 hours, or more.
8. Spread 1 tbsp granulated sugar on top for each 6 ramekins. Using a torch, Melt a sugar until the tops are caramelized. Be careful as not to burn. Cool to room temperature, Refrigerate for about 15 minutes.
Yum! Yum!
*If you don't have a torch, then use a disused spoon. Heat a Spoon over a flame, and Press a spoon against sugar. It's like a Spoon Iron! I did it for yellow bowl creme brulee. and I felt Spoon is better than torch! but, It's kind of dangerous... So, Please do not burn yourself! OK?
It has only simple ingredients, but soooooo good!
This is great surprise to me!!!
It will be your favorite home made dessert. Try it out☆
Green Tea Creme Brulee (6 serving) **1 cup=240ml
2 tsp Green Tea MATCHA powder
1 tbsp Hot water
200ml (1/2 cup and 1/3 cup) Heavy cream
125ml (1/2 cup) Unsweetened Soy milk, or Milk
3 tbsp granulated sugar
3 yolks
(for caramelize)
6 tbsp granulated sugar
1. Preheat oven to 300F. Prepare boil water for water bath.
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water bath. |
2. Add Hot water slowly to Matcha Green Tea powder. Mix well.
3. Pour heavy cream and soy milk in a milk pan, and stir over low heat until it almost comes boil. Remove from the heat, set aside.
4. In a bowl, Whisk together Egg yolks until it starts to thick, Add Green Tea mixture. and mix.
5. Add Heavy cream mixture gradually into the egg yolk mixture. stirring continually and gently.
6. Strain the mixture through a strainer, pour into 6 small ramekins. Bake in a water bath for 20 minutes.
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Strain. |
8. Spread 1 tbsp granulated sugar on top for each 6 ramekins. Using a torch, Melt a sugar until the tops are caramelized. Be careful as not to burn. Cool to room temperature, Refrigerate for about 15 minutes.
Yum! Yum!
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ちょい焦げたけど、ま、いいかー! |
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プリンよりもっとクリーミーな感じ! |
*材料* ココット6個分
お抹茶 小さじ2
お湯 大さじ1
生クリーム 1カップ
豆乳(または牛乳) 125ml
グラニュー糖 大さじ3
卵黄 3個
グラニュー糖 大さじ6
1. オーブンを150度に予熱する。天板にお湯をはっておく。
2. お抹茶にお湯を加え、ダマがなくなるようしっかり溶かす。
3. 生クリームと豆乳を弱火で温める。(沸騰させない。)
4. 卵黄とグラニュー糖をボールに入れ、しっかり混ぜておく。ここに、溶かした抹茶も入れてよく混ぜる。
5. 卵液に、温めた3'の生クリーム液を少しずつ加え、静かに混ぜる。
6. 細かい目の漉し器で漉してからココットに入れて、予熱しておいたオーブンで20分蒸し焼きする。
7. 焼けてあら熱が取れたら、冷蔵庫で2時間くらい冷やす。
8. よく冷えたら、グラニュー糖を各ココットに大さじ1ずつふりかけて、表面をバーナーでキャラメル色になるまであぶる。あら熱が取れたら、冷蔵庫に入れて15分程冷やしてできあがり!
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器によって雰囲気も変わりますねぇ。 |
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