mommy the maid.
Since having my son and moving to Hawaii, there has been an increase in all three categories. In Seattle, we had a bigger house but no toddler and cold weather which made it so that our windows were closed 9 months of the year. I pretty much only cleaned when we were having company over or when things started getting bad enough to where I started feeling icky. (A technical term, thank you)
But now, I swear I am cleaning every day and doing a good, deep cleaning once a week! Why? Well, the number one reason is Camden, of course. The toddler that he is, he has no control over crumb dropping, drink spilling, toy throwing, crayon marking and otherwise destroying all that is our house. (Thank goodness it's a rental!) So, I'm constantly cleaning up and picking up after him. That's my daily routine.
Then there's laundry. Kids go through clothes like no other and I'm doing laundry ALL THE TIME. And I only have one child! I can't imagine the moms who have multiple children. Makes me want a Jetson-style self-washing washing machine should I have another kid. Like, for real.
The other part of the equation is just this particular house in this part of the world. Our house is smaller than the one we had in Seattle, but most of our rooms have laminate floors so dust bunnies are a plenty. Good thing someone invented the swiffer sweeper cause I go through Costco size packs of the stuff like it's going out of style. And since we live in Hawaii, our windows are ALWAYS open, bringing in the dirt and added dust from outside. Lovely.
And because this is an older house, there are little cracks here and there that let the insects in if you're not careful. Leave some sugar on the counter or neglect some Camden crumbs for too long and you got an ant/roach problem you do not want. Also because this house is older, there's no dish washer. Let me repeat that...NO DISH WASHER. Let's just say I have a serious case of dishpan hands.
And so, I find myself washing, sweeping, dusting, cleaning and organizing my life away. I'm now looking into new toy and book organizers to buy cause the overflow of stuff is starting to get out of hand. Target is calling me!
All I can say is, it's a good thing I'm only working part-time cause my other part-time job is spelled M-A-I-D.
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