Japanese Miso Soup with Potato & Onion
Miso Soup with Potato & Onion from my mom

Two of the most common ingredients in miso soup are tofu and wakame in Japan.
(Tofu and Wakame Miso Soup Recipe is Here)
Today I made my favorite miso soup. When I was young my mom made this kind of miso soup almost every day. Spring onions and Spring potatoes are really good. Sweet and soft.
(Serves 2 people)
1 shiitake mushrooms(*1)
a pinch of kombucha(*2) ( Optional sometimes hard to find)
3 tbs miso(*3)
3 cups water
1/2 onion sliced (cut along the fiver check the photo below)
1 potato diced into-1 inch(check the photo below)
1 spring onion chopped

*1.Shiitake and Dashi kombu(seaweed)
(Kombu for dashi is easier to find online than real Kombu tea...see below)

*3. Barley miso paste(Mugi miso)
(Miso...you can use yellow, white and red miso paste for this miso soup)

1.Place the shiitake, kombu and water in a pot and let it sit for 30min(or over night).
(If you have salted kombu, wash the salt out)
2.Place the pot over medium heat and bring to a boil. Remove the kombu before boil.
Reduce heat to medium, add the potato and onion and boil for 10~15 minutes, when the potato is tender, turn the heat off , miso paste put in a scoop(check the photo above) and stir.
(some people like to strain the miso paste out of the soup, but I don't do this. Miso has good nutritious)
3.Stir until miso is well dissolved. It's best not to let the miso soup boil.
And serve in a miso bowl and add some spring onion.
(You can cut and eat shiitake too.)

Shiitake, Yams, Bordock, Carrots, Potatoes, Daikon and Green Onion Miso Soup!
Chinese Cabbage, Shiitake, Spring Onion and Chili Pepper Miso Soup!
↑I used this kind of white miso paste.
Organic miso
Dashi kombu
Organic tofu
Miso Soup with Potato & Onion from my mom

Two of the most common ingredients in miso soup are tofu and wakame in Japan.
(Tofu and Wakame Miso Soup Recipe is Here)
Today I made my favorite miso soup. When I was young my mom made this kind of miso soup almost every day. Spring onions and Spring potatoes are really good. Sweet and soft.
(Serves 2 people)
1 shiitake mushrooms(*1)
a pinch of kombucha(*2) ( Optional sometimes hard to find)
3 tbs miso(*3)
3 cups water
1/2 onion sliced (cut along the fiver check the photo below)
1 potato diced into-1 inch(check the photo below)
1 spring onion chopped

*1.Shiitake and Dashi kombu(seaweed)
(Kombu for dashi is easier to find online than real Kombu tea...see below)

*3. Barley miso paste(Mugi miso)
(Miso...you can use yellow, white and red miso paste for this miso soup)

1.Place the shiitake, kombu and water in a pot and let it sit for 30min(or over night).
(If you have salted kombu, wash the salt out)
Reduce heat to medium, add the potato and onion and boil for 10~15 minutes, when the potato is tender, turn the heat off , miso paste put in a scoop(check the photo above) and stir.
(some people like to strain the miso paste out of the soup, but I don't do this. Miso has good nutritious)
And serve in a miso bowl and add some spring onion.
(You can cut and eat shiitake too.)

Shiitake, Yams, Bordock, Carrots, Potatoes, Daikon and Green Onion Miso Soup!
Chinese Cabbage, Shiitake, Spring Onion and Chili Pepper Miso Soup!
↑I used this kind of white miso paste.
Organic miso
Dashi kombu
Organic tofu
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