New Orleans Christmas Trip - Day 1

photo by Shack

We like to take a family trip somewhere at Christmas instead of buying each other tons of gifts. We have done the Mayan Riviera of Mexico the last two years (I HATE that term but it seems to be what it is called now so that is what I will call it) and, although we love it there, we wanted to go somewhere else. We had San Francisco, Austin Texas and New Orleans on the short list but we had spent Xmas in New Orleans pre kid and our good friends, The Neighbours, had never been and were dying to go. Even the kid is okay with this set up and was given a choice between an iPad and a trip to New Orleans and he chose New Orleans, which made us all very happy because I would have been a bit sad leaving him home alone with his new iPad while his parents galavanted around New Orleans without him.

Unfortunately, Little Shack came down with a fever on Thursday, Dec. 16 and we were leaving on Dec. 19 but this did not have us worried since he had never ran a fever for longer than 24 hours in his entire 11 years. This was going to blow over and he would be right as rain by the 19th. Friday, he was actually worse than he was on Thursday but I was still not worried, since he would HAVE to feel better by Saturday, right???

He was still a bit under the weather by Sunday, let me tell you. We gave him a B12 and a tylenol for colds and kept him away from people, didn't let him touch anything and by the time we actually got on the plane, he said he felt better than he had in days. Worst case scenario, he would spend a day resting in a super cosy hotel bed with a parent and then feel better for a couple days of touring around New Orleans. Best case scenario, he would feel better by the time we get there with the help of tylenol and the excitement of being somewhere new. Thankfully, it was the latter and so it was time to Laissez Les Bon Temps Roulez!

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