I'm Not Oprah, But I Do Have A List Of Favorite Things And This Is Number One
I have made lots of different recipes from that book, I have added dried fruits and nuts and cheese and pesto and tried to make it more wholesome by experimenting with the addition of whole grain flours, etc. My only complaint was that I don't like to eat white bread on a daily basis and i am blessed with a kid who loves nutty, seedy, crunchy, grainy bread and I didn't really want to get him too used to the taste and texture of white bread.
It was like they heard me complaining because the next thing you know, they came out with another book but this time it was all whole grain breads!
I have made the whole wheat olive oil bread dough for pizza (oh how I wish that I had been blogging for the grilled pizza fiasco but there is always next summer and it's not like we ever got the hang of it) and it was delicious. I also made a nice boule using that dough but I am still in love with the basic whole wheat recipe so I am not straying too far from that yet. I make it plain, I add toasted nuts and dried cranberries, a mix of seeds on the top crust and last night i added caramelized onions and a nice, sharp cheddar and did a kosher salt/rosemary crust. Shack and I loved it, but Little Shack was not fooled and immediately knew that there was onion in there and for the first time ever, refused to eat it.
The moral of this story is "don't be afraid of bread because a trained monkey could turn out an impressive artisan boule using this method and i assume that all of you are at least as competent as a trained monkey and if you are not, well you probably shouldn't be using a hot stove in the first place"
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