more documenting of camden

I really need to start filling out an actual baby book in case my blog crashes or blogger somehow ceases to exist.

But, until I get off my lazy butt and pick up a pen, these entries will have to do. Here's what Cam's doing these days!

  • Walking? Check! Walking on his own at 12 1/2 months.
  • Pointing out body parts? Check! He knows head, nose, mouth, ears and belly. In both Japanese and English! For some reason he doesn't know eyes. I guess we didn't go over that one as much.
  • Words? Check! Well, sort of. He says "da da" a lot when he wants something. Since it's combined with pointing, I know what he's asking for. I think he's trying to say "that, that." Like, I want that! He also says "mama" with more purpose. He says "duh" for duck. And of course still does his animal sounds -- moo, baa, quack quack, woof and his newest, cluck.
  • Sleeping through the night? Check! (Man, I really hope I didn't just jinx his winning streak) Since we implemented the CIO training, Cam has slept through for 3 nights in a row! Woohoo! Crying it out WORKS.

Some of his favorite things at the moment include Elmo and the Sesame Street gang, Mickey Mouse, fans, his Kindermusik cds, turning pages in books, putting his hands in the water under the faucet, remote controls, cell phones and typing on the computer. I guess that tells you a lot about what he sees mommy and daddy doing! Oi.

He's a total social bug, especially if he gets to play with other little ones. He's wary of strangers though and takes a few minutes to warm up to them. But if he already knows you, he's a ham!

Can't wait to see what he does next! He really is the cutest thing ever. :)

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