new tricks

Just in the last week or so Cam's been doing a few new tricks.
  • He knows "twinkle twinkle little star," puts his hands up then opens and closes them like he's doing 'twinkle twinkle.' It is so cute.
  • He loves to walk around the coffee table while holding on to the edge. He can pretty much make his way around the entire table by himself.
  • He's just started to say "mooo" when we ask him what sound a cow makes. I guess he really is paying attention when we read him all those farm books!
  • New words I'm positive he knows -- ball and elmo. (not saying them but definitely knows what they are)
  • He's saying "dada" like there's no tomorrow. Lucky Brian. No mamas yet!
Can't believe he's just a couple months away from being a year old already!

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