i miss my daddy.

So, daddy's been on a business trip and although he had a "daddy-son" talk before he left, telling Cam to "be nice to mommy," "take good naps," and "be a good boy," Cam has decided to give mommy a run for her money.

In all fairness, my son is never really bad. In fact, he's a pretty easy, mellow baby and is always a good boy. But, since daddy's been gone he hasn't been making my temporary single motherhood easy by any means.

I was sick all last week (just getting over it now) so that didn't help much. I recovered slower, I think, cause Cam decided that he was going to start getting up no later than 5:30am EVERY MORNING from the day Brian left. Usually, he gets up around 7am so I had no idea what was going on. I am not a morning person at all and sleep is very important to me. So, this new habit was a huge pain in my behind.

To add to my tiredness, Cam hasn't been napping very long since B's been gone either. Usually I could catch up on sleep by napping when he naps. Long naps just weren't in the cards.

Luckily, my folks were great and helped to watch Cam while I took a nap here and there throughout the week so I could get rid of my stupid cold. I don't know what I'd do without them. This cold would have lingered longer and I would have been miserable.

Cam also threw up on me after his bedtime feeding one night last week. THAT was lovely. Again, grandparents around are great for such things. Puke all on Camden, down my leg, on the couch and on the floor. Cleaning everything up is not a one-man job. Well, it could be...but it would take 10 times longer and by the time I got to cleaning up the vomit it would have soaked into the furniture and carpet, never getting out.

Then today, Cam seems to be finally catching my cold. :( He's congested and has been sneezing/coughing some. Yesterday, he felt hot but when I took his temp he didn't have a fever. But he's been more fussy and not himself so I think he's not feeling well. I'm hoping I'm just being paranoid and he's actually just fine and dandy. Please don't be sick, Camden!!

What I do think though is that Camden misses his daddy. I think he knows something's different, even if maybe he can't necessarily recognize that daddy's missing. I can't wait for Cam to see Brian again. Both parties will be so happy!! And mommy will be happy too. I miss Brian as well, not just as daddy but as husband. But I ain't gonna lie. I'm mostly looking forward to taking an entire day to myself once B is back. Daddy duty will be in FULL FORCE.

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