the napping mystery

If it's not one thing, it's another. Cam is now sleeping through the night (yay!) but now has gone back to fighting his afternoon naps. Who the heck knows why. He's yawning and rubbing his ears which means he's tired. I put him down early enough -- today it was before 1pm cause I saw his sleep signs. And yet, he cries and cries and doesn't want to go to sleep! I go in, pat his back, sing to him and then leave. Quiet for a minute or two and then crying again! His morning naps usually go fine but in the afternoon, I don't know what his deal is. It is SO frustrating.

Sometimes I think he's either too hot or too cold. So I experiment with different things. Opening the curtains, closing them (cause maybe it's too bright now?) putting the fan directly on him or oscillating it. In the sleep sack, out of the sleep sack. We're even contemplating an air con to make it through the summer. It's like a mystery that sometimes I get to solve and other times I don't.

Today seems to be a don't. He's crying and I'm listening through the monitor to see when and if I need to go in again. If only he could tell me what's wrong! This grand design of babies needing constant care but not being able to verbalize their needs is extremely flawed.

....Wait. What's this? He's quieting down! WTH? See, it makes no sense. Some days letting him cry a little gets him to sleep. Other days it doesn't. So ultimately it's still a mystery! But at least he's napping. Phew.

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