and now for some grossness...

Poor Camden. Not only was he sick earlier this week but yesterday he was so badly constipated that he cried every time he tried to poop.

He hadn't pooped since Monday, the day he got sick, and since the doctor had us switch to soy formula (easier on his tummy), I think his system was shot. Soy sometimes makes babies constipated, said the doctor AFTER I had given it to him for a whole day. He couldn't tell me that earlier???

Anyway, Cam tried to poop yesterday morning and I knew he was constipated cause he whined while trying to get it out. A little pellet came out but I wasn't too worried. Kids get constipated sometimes, right? I had no idea what was to come.

Early afternoon and Camden is trying again. This time, it's more like crying rather than just whining. I rub his tummy to try and help him out and it seems to make him feel better. But still no poop. So, I put him in his car seat to help it along (something about that seat makes him poop!). I see him pushing, trying to get it out while sitting in the seat. He's crying now and I keep saying, "It's okay. I know. Push it out." I feel SO BAD for him!

He tries and tries and I rub his tummy while he pushes. Finally, he relaxes, closes his eyes and goes to sleep. I take him out of his car seat and change his diaper. Yup. A hard, clay-like piece of poop. I think that's it and put him down for a nap.

He sleeps for two hours and gets up seemingly happy and smiling. Little did I know the worst was yet to come!

I take him out of his crib and put him on the changing pad. Immediately, he starts wailing. Open his diaper and see him pooping out a LOG of poop. As he's pushing, tears are streaming down his face and he is looking at me like, "Help me, mommy!! It hurts!"

I can't tell you how hard it is to look at your baby in pain and not be able to do anything about it. I wanted to cry!!

After he was done, I picked him up to cuddle him and we call the doctor. There's streaks of blood in his poop -- that can't be good.

Doc says that's okay. To just give him a little more water in his formula for a bit. The doctors must be thinking about placing us on their blacklist. We've called them 3 times this week since Cam's been sick. Doctors must HATE "first-time parent syndrome."

This morning, Cam fussed from 4-5:30am, which is unusual for him. He work up to start the day around 8am and I found him with a full poopy diaper. He must have been working that out during that hour and half. This poops was thick, but not logs like the others. Phew!!

I'm hoping that was the end of it and he starts getting better. My poor baby. :(

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