
Let us all please note the date and forever keep it in our memories. Well, I will anyway. Cam slept through the night for the first time!! Pretty much.

He went down early yesterday cause he missed his afternoon nap. Went to sleep at around 6:30pm. He fussed at around 8pm (who knows why) so I went in and gave him a pacifier. Back to sleep in a second.

I heard him cry at around 2am but it wasn't a big cry. He cried out once and then quieted down. Brian and I usually wait for a few consecutive cries before deciding that yes, he probably needs something and we should drag out butts out of bed. He seemed okay so back to sleep I went. Heard another cry at about 4am. Same thing, a couple of small cries and back to sleep on his own!

Brian got up to go to work at around 5:30am. He asked if he should check on Camden since this is the first night we haven't given him a feeding. I told him I think Cam's fine but if he wants to check on him he can -- just don't wake him up!

So, Brian goes in and I hear Camden make a noise. In my head, I envision Brian rushing out of the room as quickly and quietly as possible for fear of ruining this blissful stretch of him sleeping. I bet it was a funny sight.

Cam finally gets up at around 6:15. I hear him stirring and then he starts really talking, telling me to come get him at 6:30am. I'd say that counts as sleeping through the night, don't you?

Yay, Camden! Now, I just hope he keeps this up!!

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