sleep is my long lost friend.

There are some people out there (like Brian, thank goodness) who don't need a lot of sleep. 4 hours and they're good to go. Not me. I love my sleep and miss it dearly.

I have Cam on a pretty good sleep schedule but how long he sleeps and when he wakes up varies daily. Some nights he goes down at 7 and doesn't get up until midnight. Other nights, like last night, he fussed until 730, woke up at 930 and then again at 1130 and 330. Ugh.

For me, I think the hardest part is the interrupted sleep. If I could get a good 5 hours straight, I'm a much happier mommy. It's the 3 hours here and 3 hours there that kills me.

The first 2 hours of the day, from when Cam wakes up at 7am to his first nap around 930am are the hardest for me. I'm groggy and feel guilty about not being excited to play with him. I try my best but some days I seriously feel like I'm just watching the clock, waiting for his nap time so I can take a nap too. Guilt, guilt, guilt.

In the last few days, his naps have started to vary in length as well. His morning nap used to be the longest. He'd nap 2-3 hours, which was awesome for me on the days when I needed to nap with him. This week though, he's switched it up and naps only about an hour or so in the morning and then 2 hours in the afternoon. But then today, he changed it on me again and is taking a 2 hour+ nap. Life with baby, never predictable.

Really though, can I complain about sleeping ANY more?? I tell myself I need to just suck it up. That many moms out there have full-time jobs and extracurricular activities and multiple children to juggle. I'm just being a wuss here. So, I'm trying.

Maybe if I just get myself a coffee IV drip, I'll be good to go. I should look into it.

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