Transition from blended food to non-blended food

I think it is time for my boy to eat food that is not blended. I have been trying this since he was 9 months old but I was not successful because he will vomit or choke on the food. Now that he is 16 months, I think it is really time to do so again...

The funny thing is that when we gave him rice from our plates, he will know how to chew but when it comes to his own food he just too lazy to chew... so I think it is time to train him to chew his food too...

How do I go about doing it, is as follows:

For the first few days, I will blend half of his porridge and mix with the other half and feed him. He was able to take it.

Once he is used to it for awhile, I decided to take out less than half of his porridge to blend and mix with the rest.

Then I totally did not blend his food. He is accepting it quite well. Currently I am making his porridge thicker than usual. So far so good.

So if you are trying to train your babies to eat non blended food, you can try out this method. However different babies are different so just follow your baby's cues and adjust accordingly...

I also trying to train him to eat on his own. Here is a video to share:

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