Day 1 of Pineapple Puree

Pineapple can only be introduce to babies after they are one year old and above. This is because of its acidity of the fruits. It can cause some allergy and also tummy ache if given to babies below one year old.

Pineapple is rich in Vitamin C and potassium. I am giving my boy his pineapple puree during his fruit snack time in the afternoon.

Chopped up the pineapple and ensure to remove the 'eyes' of the pineapple, then blend or grind the pineapple slices.

If you baby can already chew well, you can just chopped the pineapple slices into small cubes.

Ensure that the pineapple is ripe. If it is raw, it will be pretty sour.

Schedule for Today:
Morning (8 am to 9 am): Breastmilk
Noon (11 am to 12pm): Lunch, continue with breastmilk as and when needed
Early Afternoon (2pm to 3pm): Some fruit puree/snack & breastmilk as and when needed
Late Afternoon (5pm to 6pm): Dinner & breastmilk as and when needed
Night (after 6pm): Breastmilk

Allergy Reaction:
No allergy was observed

Texture of Food:
Same as previous

Amount of Food:
3 to 4 tablespoons of pineapple puree or 2-3 tablespoons of pineapple cubes

Baby reaction:
He loves the pineapple.

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