Day 1 of Beetroot

Beetroot contain a wonderful amount of calcium, potassium and even vitamin A. Both Vitamin A and Calcium play a large role in the healthy development of your baby.

When preparing beetroot, we like to roast or steam them. Steaming is really the very best method for cooking and preparing them if you want to use them for baby food. They will cook up a bit more mushy and more easy to puree when steamed. Steaming Beets also allows the Vitamin A beta carotene to be more bio-available and readily used by the body.

The recommendation for introducing beetroot is between 8-10 months old.

Below are the methods on how to prepare today's meal:

(1) Cut a few slices of beetroot (enough for the meal), do not remove the skin this will help to retain most of its nutrients.
(2) Place in a bowl and steam it for about 20 minutes.
(3) Once cooked, remove the skin and chopped/puree the beetroot.

(1) Sauteed the garlic till fragrant.
(2) Then add the fish slices and a sprinkle of tumeric powder and stir well.
(2) Add the carrots, button mushrooms, and rice and stir well.
(3) Add water and let is simmer till the rice is cooked to the desired texture.
(4) Add the spinach and steamed beetroot (either chopped or pureed) into the almost ready food and cook it for another 1 to 2 minutes.
(5) Blend or mash to the desired consistency.

Schedule for Today:
Morning (8 am to 9 am): Breastmilk
Noon (11 am to 12pm): Lunch, continue with breastmilk as and when needed
Early Afternoon (2pm to 3pm): Some fruit puree/snack & breastmilk as and when needed
Late Afternoon (5pm to 6pm): Dinner & breastmilk as and when needed
Night (after 6pm): Breastmilk

Allergy Reaction:
No allergy was observed

Texture of Food:
Same as previous

Amount of Food:
1/2 teaspoon of garlic + 1 baby carrot + 1 tablespoon of spinach + sprinkle (abt 1/8 of teaspoon) of tumeric powder + 1 tablespoon of fish slices + 2 1/2 tablespoons of rice (white + brown) + 1 tablespoon of button mushroom + 1 tablespoon of steamed beetroot + 1 teaspoon of butter

Baby reaction:
He loves his porridge.

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