Showing posts with label Condiments. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Condiments. Show all posts


Chomiryo: Condiment, seasoning. 調味料。 The Japanese have a wordplay ( goro-awase ) or mnemonic technique to remember the main seas…


Shio: Salt. しお、塩。 All salt produced in Japan comes from sea water, there are no salt deposits in the country. The old method star…


Sato: Sugar. さとう、砂糖。 Japanese sugar is made both from sugar cane ( sato-kibi , good for 20%), grown in Kagoshima Pref. and in Ok…


Shoyu: Soy sauce. しょうゆ、醤油。 Soy sauce is the basic condiment in the Japanese kitchen and is used in all sorts of dishes, in mari…


Miso:  Paste of fermented soybeans, "miso." みそ、味噌。 Japan's traditional seasoning and also a versatile health food…


Dashi: Stock  だし、出し、だし汁。 The Japanese basic stock, the pillar of the Japanese cuisine which provides Japanese cuisine with its ch…