Showing posts with label Chuka. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Chuka. Show all posts


Chinese-style wheat noodles. ラーメン. Also called Chuka-soba (中華そば). Ramen is a form of the Japanese-Chinese ( Chuka ) cuisine, as…


A variety of stir-fried vegetables. 野菜炒め。 Staple dish in Japanese Chuka (Chinese) restaurants. The vegetables usually consist of …


"Sour pork." 酢豚。 Fried pieces of pork mixed with onions, carrots, bell peppers, and sometimes bamboo shoots and pine ap…


"Tenshin donburi." Chinese-style donburi with omelet and a thick sauce.  天津丼 Rice covered by an egg omelet made with cr…


Cold noodles Chinese-style. 冷麺。Also called Hiyashi Chuka, 冷やし中華。 Reimen is one of my favorite summer dishes – how hot it may be, …


Steamed, round Chinese dumpling. シュウマイ。 Dim sum item (siu mai) that has been Japanified, like gyoza . Cups of thin wheat pastry …


Mapo doufu. マーボー豆腐、麻婆豆腐。 Small squares of tofu in a mixture containing ground pork seasoned with leeks, ginger, sesame seed oil a…